Female veterans at a glance
More than two million female veterans live in the U.S. today. States with the largest number of female veterans are:
Texas (185,154)
Florida (145,649)
California (142,805)
Women are the fastest growing group in the veteran population.
2000: 4%
2040: 18%
Female veterans served across all military branches and divisions.
Projections for 2025:
Army: 916,948
Air Force: 464,069
Navy: 409,586
Marines: 124,169
Reserve: 157,385
Non-defense: 28,900
Female veterans are racially and ethnically diverse.
43% of the women who used VHA health services in FY20 belonged to a racial
or ethnic minority group.
A disproportionately high number of homeless women veterans have a history of Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and are nine times more at risk for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although women service members account for approximately 15% of the military, over 95% have reported sex crimes. This often leads to difficulties maintaining productive employment and family relationships, greatly increasing the odds of a female veteran becoming homeless.
Nearly 80 percent of homeless veterans suffer from mental health challenges and/or substance abuse.

Sources: The Huffington Post
Department of Veterans Affairs, Table 6L: VetPop2016, at http://www.va.gov/vetdata/